Before leaving



Each year, usually around January-February, the Non-EU Mobility call is published. This includes all necessary information about participation, deadlines and Partner Universities. 


                                     -> Click here for all necessary information to participate <-


Applications can only be submitted online. You must log in to with your S.O.L. credentials and choose the “Selezione per la formazione di graduatorie per la mobilità internazionale Extra-EU" competition. 

Please note: Applying for the Erasmus+ mobilities (for study and/or traineeship) does not exclude participation in the Non-EU mobility call, as long as the mobility periods don’t overlap.


Partner University assignment and acceptance

Based on the Call criteria, students will be assigned Partner Universities based on merit points, in decreasing order and based on their preferences (maximum 2) If there is no availability at the Parter Universities you selected, you will not be included in the ranking list.

The ranking list will be published at including the merit points, assigned Partner University and duration of the scholarship.

All related updates will be available for students at the “I tuoi concorsi - your competitions” webpage. You will not receive personal communications. If you don’t accept the Partner University that you have been assigned to, you will be excluded from the ranking for the Non-EU Mobility.

The definitive list of students who win the Call will be published by Rector’s Decree at the webpage: < >. Winners will be assigned a monthly scholarship for travel expenses and cost of living, according to availability to the University of Florence.



Once you have accepted the Partner University, you must prepare your Application, which is a formal request for the Partner University.

Please note that, you will have to ask for study or research Visas to be able to depart for non-EU countries. You may contact the foreign Embassy once you have received the Nominal Letter of Acceptance.

If your mobility is for study purposes (all abroad or blended), you must earn at least 1 CFU if you spend less than 2 months abroad, or at least 3 CFUs if you spend more than 3 months abroad. If you are spending a period of your doctorate abroad, you must be able to provide documentation that proves that you are researching abroad.


Learning Agreement

Once you have accepted the Partner University, you must contact the Professor who is responsible for procedures, so as to complete your enrollment and fill out your L.A.

Your Learning Agreement is an academic agreement which specifies the exams or activities that you will carry out while abroad (including the corresponding Italian exams, if applicable).

                                                          -> Click here to download the form <-

You must finish the agreement before leaving, but you will be able to modify it whenever you need to, as long as both UniFi and the Partner University agree and sign the modified version.


Procedure to follow AFTER the publication of the ranking

1. After defining the activities that you will carry out abroad with your tutor (and thesis professor, if applicable), you must fill out and sign the first page of your Learning Agreement, section "Before the mobility". 


2. You must attach your L.A. proposal to erasmus(AT), subject line “L.A per
Bando Mobilità Extra UE 20...-202..." (with the correct academic years).


3. The International Relations Service of the School of Agriculture will check your L.A. and have the International Relations Delegate sign it, then send it back to you.


4. You must then send the signed L.A. to the Partner University to get definitive acceptance (put your tutor abroad in cc). 


5. Once the Partner University has signed your L.A., you must send it back to UniFi at erasmus(AT)  at least 60 days BEFORE leaving.


Changing your L.A. during the mobility

If you need to change your L.A. while abroad, you may agree on new courses or activities with your Italian tutor via email and your tutor abroad in person, then modify the second page of your L.A., section "During the mobility".

The form to fill out to change your L.A. is the same that you filled out before leaving.


1. You must send an email to erasmus(AT), subject line “cambio L.A per
Bando Mobilità Extra UE 20...-202..." (with the correct academic years) and attach your new proposed L.A., based on the previous form.


2. The International Relations Service of the School of Agriculture will check your L.A. and have the International Relations Delegate sign it, then send it back to you.


3. You must then send the signed L.A. to the Partner University to get definitive acceptance (put your tutor abroad in cc).



Last update



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