Before leaving



The call for the Erasmus+ for Traineeship program is annually published in the international mobility section of the University’s website (click here) and departure dates refer to the academic year following the year of the call.

Requests may be submitted on TURUL (click here) by logging in with your SOL credentials and choosing the “selezione per la formazione di graduatorie per la mobilità internazionale ERASMUS+ per traineeship" competition.

You can choose to participate in competition type a) or b):
a)  “Selezione per la formazione di graduatorie per la mobilità internazionale ERASMUS+ per traineeship    a.a - Sede generica” competition.

b)  “Selezione per la formazione di graduatorie per la mobilità internazionale ERASMUS+ per traineeship - Sede nominativa” competition.


Allocation, attribution and acceptance at a Partner University

The destination and duration of the mobility will be determined based on the Call criteria and candidates’ preferences. Afterwards, Partner Institutions will have to accept candidates based on their curriculums.

The ranking lists, including merit points, destination and duration of scholarships, will be published at There will be two ranking lists for each School (one for Generic Institutions and one for Nominative Institutions).


-> Students who win a mobility period toward a Sede nominativa (Nominative Institution) must accept the mobility within 15 days of the publication of the ranking by filling out the form that the International Relations Service will provide. Students who do not fill out the form will be considered as having opted out of the mobility, with no further communications.


-> Students who win a mobility period towards a Sede generica (Generic Institution) must accept the mobility through Turul in the "I tuoi concorsi" “(Your competitions) section, before the deadlines stated. All the successive updates will be available to students in the “Your competitions” webpage. Students will not receive personal communications.


n.b. once you have accepted the mobility, you may give it up only for serious and motivated reasons. In that case, you must sign a form at the International Relations Office.


Necessary documents before leaving

At the end of the assignment of all of the institutions, students must make contact with the institution that they have been assigned to and prepare all the required documents and gather information before leaving.

  1. Learning Agreement for Traineeship
  2. Erasmus Contract


  1. Learning Agreement for Traineeship

For the activities that you fill out abroad to be recognized and to be able to receive the scholarship, planned activities must be specified in the Learning Agreement for traineeship. If you have already graduated, you must send the L.A. for traineeship to the International Relations Service (erasmus(AT) and they will take care of sending it to the President of your study course, or their Delegate, for assessment, approval and signing. I twill then be sent to the Erasmus Delegate for definitive authorization.

The initial Learning Agreement for traineeship can be provisional, but in that case it must be made definitive within 30 days of the beginning of the mobility

Please remember to refer to the Erasmus Delegate and the International Relations Service of the School of Agriculture <

One part of the L.A. for traineeship includes personal information, the School’s information and the Partner Institution’s information.


                                                -> Click here for downloading the pre-filled form <-


What to write in the SENDING INSTITUTION field

Name: Università degli Studi di Firenze

Faculty/Department: Scuola di Agraria

Erasmus Code: I FIRENZE01

Address: Piazzale delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze

Country: Italy

Contact person; email/phone: Alessandro Leomanni erasmus(AT) ; +39 0552755713

Study cycle: EQF level 6 per Triennale; EQF level 7 per Magistrale; EQF level 8 per il Dottorato.

Field of study: 081 Scienze Agrarie; 072 Tecnologie Alimentari; 082 Scienze Forestali.


Table A

For detailed information about what you will do during your traineeship, please ask the Partner Institution.


Table B

You must fill out only one of the three field, depending on whether the traineeship is:  

  • EMBEDDED: included in your study plan, you need credit recognition;
  • VOLUNTARY: not included in your study plan, you don’t need credit recognition;
  • RECENT GRADUATE: if you have just graduated, so you don’t need exam recognition.

To know how many CFUs your traineeship is worth and if you will receive a grade for your traineeship, please consult your Course of Study’s academic regulation.

Accident insurance for the trainee

Usually, this is automatically provided by UniFi if you are regularly enrolled of recently graduated.

  • The Sending institution will provide an accident insurance to the trainee: YES
  • The accident insurance covers:
    • accident during travels made for work purpose: YES
    • accidents on the way to work and back from work: YES
  • The Sending institution will provide a liability insurance to the trainee: YES

For more information about the insurance, please click here.


Table C

For this information, you will have to contact the Partner Institution.


2. Erasmus contract

During the Summer months (usually July/August), you will be contacted via e-mail to sign your Erasmus contract at the International Mobility Office (via della Pergola, 60 - Firenze). The contract includes the duration of your Mobility period as agreed, the monthly scholarship amount and the duration of the scholarship.

When you sign the contract you must bring:

1. Valid I.D.,

2. Bank account details (IBAN) for the transfer.

3. If you don’t sign the contract you cannot obtain the Erasmus+ student status.



You are responsible for searching for housing. Please be careful of the websites that you use while searching!

Last update



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