The School Services
Studying in Florence (clicca qui )

The common services for teaching are managed by the School through the STUDENT ACADEMIC CAREER OFFICE.
The student career management is managed by the Educational Services Area through the STUDENT ADMINISTRATION OFFICE.
Student Academic Career Office of the School
Email: scuola(AT)
Office hours by appointment only
> Orientation - web
- Update, Publication and Dissemination of the Student Guide,
- General information about the Educational Offer
- Appointments for online office hours with tutors, events management,
- Organisation and management of orientation events (Welcome Day, Open Day)
> Entry Knowledge Test - web
- Entry knowledge tests for all first-year students,
- Exemptions from the entry knowledge test,
- Recovery of Additional Educational Obligations (OFA)
> Educational Offer - web
- Coordination of the educational activities foreseen in the Degree Programs coordinated by the School,
- Updating of the databases: ProgamDID, U-GOV Didattica, SUA-CdS
- Supporting the quality management of degree programs and maintaining relations with the steering committees of each individual degree program
> Student Administrative Office for the functions assigned to the Study Courses
- Application for access to Master's Degree Courses -web
- Examinations -web
- Support to lecturers on digital signature procedures, Opening and editing of exam sessions, and Information for students on filling in the teaching evaluation questionnaire
- Study Plans -web
- Occupational safety training courses for students -web
- International Relations - web
- Internships and Traineeships -web
- Management of On-line Thesis form -web
Student Administration Office
The Student Administration Office (Novoli) deals with all services concerning the student career of those enrolled in the Study Courses of the Schools of Agriculture, Economics & Management, Law, and Political Science, in particular:
- Registration - GCS
- First-year admission and enrolments
- Internal and External transfers
- Recognition of activities (exams, language certifications, internships)
- Course withdrawal
- Issues related to the student's career
- Updating of individual study plans
- Fees and contributions
- Certifications and Diploma Supplement
Email: segreteriastudenti.novoli(AT)
PEC: presidionovoli(AT)
Contact center: 055 - 0986499 - numero verde 800 931390 Times: from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. ; Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 a.m.