End of mobility


Sending documents and CFU recognition


You must send the following documents to the International Mobility Office within 15 days of the end of your mobility, and no later than the 30th of September:

  • Erasmus period certificate with start and end dates, in pdf;
  • Transcript of Work

If you did your Traineeship as a student and want CFU recognition, you must also send the School's International Relations Service a request within 30 days of the end of your mobility with the following documents:

  • Transcript of work
  • Erasmus period certificate with start and end date, in pdf;
  • LA after mobility signed by Unifi and Partner Institution
  • CFU recognition form (mod. AGR_06, click here)


30 days after the end of the mobility period, you will receive an email (on your UniFi adress) with the Individual Report to fill out and send back, as requested.

Last update



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