International Mobility


The School of Agriculture (Scuola di Agraria) encourages international mobility for students, professors and administrative staff in accordance with active international agreements within the framework of European programs and cultural collaborations.

Internationalization is a basic component of the educational offering of the College, and students are encouraged to participate in international mobility programs in the EU and outside the EU for study, traineeships or research. 

The International Relations Service provides support and handles the administrative work related to outgoing students’ mobility plans for study and traineeship programs and incoming students’ as part of the EU Program Erasmus+.



-> International Relation Services:   Room M1 – ground floor (Central Pavilion)  

                                                               Address: Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 - 50144 , FIRENZE

                                                               e-mail: erasmus(AT)


Office hours:  MONDAY  from 16:00 to 17:00 (online - clicca qui)

                          WEDNESDAY from 10:00 to 12:00

                          THURSDAY from 14:00 to 16:00

                          FRIDAY from 12:00 to 13:00 (online - clicca qui


-> School of Agriculture’s Delegate for International RelationsProf. Anna Dalla Marta


Main ERASMUS page in the UNIFI site


University of Florence: a two minutes experience



"Erasmus" is one of the sector programs of the EU comprehensive action labeled “LLP - Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013", established by the European Parliament and Council to combine and incorporate all of the European cooperation initiatives for education and training (Erasmus, Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig) in a single program.

Thanks to the Erasmus program, students who are regularly enrolled in the University of Florence can spend a short period of time abroad to study or for traineeship.


Scholarships abroad for students and graduates

Several initiatives, encouraged and organized by other istitutions, can become opportunities to spend time abroad.


Traineeships abroad

The University of Florence supports the following traineeship programs.


Cultural collaboration agreements

The University of Florence has made several cultural collaboration agreements with Universities abroad that plan for exchange students.

Last update



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