BIOtechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture (BIO-EMSA) (B225)

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Name and features

Course name in Italian: Biotecnologie per la Gestione Ambientale e l’Agricoltura Sostenibile (BIO-EMSA)

Course name in English: Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture (BIO-EMSA)

Degree code:  LM-7 Classe delle lauree magistrali in Biotecnologie agrarie

Curriculum: NO

Duration: 2 years

Credits: 120

Language: Italian


Informational material: click here (only in italian language)

Presentation video:


The Master Degree in Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture ( CdLM BIO-EMSA) aims to provide its students with the scientific and technical knowledge and skills necessary to:

  1. understand and interpret, down to the cellular and molecular level, the effects of ongoing climate and global changes on complex biological systems and their individual components, particularly those of agricultural, agri-food and forestry interest;
  2. design and develop innovative and sustainable biotechnological products and processes for the management of the environment and primary plant and animal production, including the enhancement of wastes and by-products of agro-industrial processes, environmentally friendly control of plant adversities, and the preservation of biodiversity;
  3. develop analyses, studies, research projects on issues related to sustainable management of the environment and primary production through biotechnological approaches.

Therefore, such a broad and in-depth training, strongly grounded in the most advanced scientific acquisitions and biotechnological and molecular techniques, as well as in disciplines related to agroforestry and to environment, is attainable through a necessarily multidisciplinary training course that includes a significant component of practical and laboratory activities.

Employment opportunities

The master's degree graduate in BIOEMSA will be able to work, with functions of high responsibility, in the direction of laboratories, both public and private, with a prevalent biotechnological characterization of the agricultural and environmental sector, in the field of depollution, conservation, protection and improvement of agricultural resources and the environment and in the coordination, also at the managerial and administrative level, of development and surveillance programs of biotechnology applied to these compartments.

The Master Degree in BIOEMSA allows access to the Ph.D. and second-level Master's degrees. In addition, the degree obtained allows participation in the competition for admission to the liberal profession of Biologist or Doctor of Agronomy and Forestry. Graduates who have sufficient credits in appropriate groups of fields will be able-as provided for by current legislation-to attend the admission tests for secondary teaching training paths.


Articulation of training activities and curricula

The Master Degree in Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture includes:

  • 11 examinations related to as many subjects, one of which is the student's choice on two Optional examinations ("Bioeconomics and Environmental Policy" and "Agri-Environmental Biotechnology Law");
  • The performance of an applied practical internship;
  • the development of a Master's Thesis.

The student has 9 CFU available for independent choice. This choice is subject to the approval of the Master's Degree Council. The student may refer to all courses activated in the School of Agriculture and courses activated in the University of Florence. The student is also given the faculty to use the independent choice credits for the extension of the internship of 3 CFU and for the profitable attendance of educational activities of 3 or 6 CFU, organized by the Master's Degree Course and the University and authorized by special resolution of the Master's Degree Course Council. The last semester of the second year is mainly devoted to thesis preparation activities.

Study plan

Coorte 2022  

Coorte 2023


Prof.ssa Stefania Tegli

Prof.ssa Arianna Buccioni






Last update



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