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Course name in Italian: Viticoltura ed Enologia
Course name in English: Viticolture and Enology
Degree code: L-25 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie e forestali & L-26 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari
Duration: 3 years
Credits: 180
Language: Italian
Informational material: brochure
The degree course belongs to the Classi di Laurea L-25 (Scienze e tecnologie agrarie e forestali) and L-26 (Scienze e tecnologie alimentari) and aims to prepare graduates who possess specific and multidisciplinary skills and knowledge in the Viticulture and Enology sector and in the entire related supply chain. Graduates in Viticulture and Enology must acquire in-depth knowledge of viticultural and oenological techniques and must be able to place these skills in the productive context of the wine-growing and oenological market chain (agri-food sector chain). He must know and interpret the connections between business problems and those of the wine-growing system in its broadest sense: economic and social, regulatory and cultural.
The graduate in Viticulture and Enology (for either Class L-25 or L-26), by virtue of Law 10/04/1991 n. 129, automatically obtains the title of ENOLOGIST, recognised by the European Union, which allows the profession to be carried out in all EU countries, without having to be registered with any register, order or college. Graduates in Viticulture and Enology will therefore be able to immediately enter the world of work in both private companies and public bodies.
In addition, the degree obtained at the end of the training course in Class L-25, guarantees, pursuant to Presidential Decree 328/2001, admission to the State Examination for enrolment in the Junior Agronomist and Forestry Register (Section B) and access to the Master's Degrees in Class L-69; while the degree obtained at the end of the training course in Class L-26 allows access to the Master's Degrees in Class LM-70.
The Degree Course in Viticulture and Enology has a normal duration of 3 years. The student's normal activity corresponds to the achievement of 51 university credits (CFU) in the first year, 63 in the second and 66 in the third. A student who has nevertheless obtained 180 CFUs by fulfilling all the requirements of the didactic structure may obtain the degree even before the three-year deadline.
The didactic structure consists of 19 examinations, to which must be added the test to ascertain the knowledge of a European Union language (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, level B2), the "virtual" examination corresponding to the credits chosen autonomously by the student, the performance of an applied practical training and the approval of the final report. In terms of content, the lectures are either mono-disciplinary or integrated (2 or 3 modules), in which case there is a single examination. Each degree course comprises lectures and practical work, the latter amounting on average to 40% of the frontal teaching load. The training activities are distributed over semesters and the last year of the third year is mainly devoted to internship activities at wineries and for the preparation of the final paper. 12 CFU are at the student's own choice.
This choice is totally free, albeit within the limits of the educational objectives of the degree course. In this regard, the student may rely on the tutoring service to guide his choices. In any case, the student may refer to all first-level courses offered by the School of Agriculture and the University of Florence.
The student is also given the faculty to use up to a maximum of 3 CFUs as an autonomous choice for the work placement and for the acquisition of further language knowledge at B2 level.
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