Submission for the MSc without restrction for the A.Y. 2024-2025:
from 3rd June 2024 to 30th April 2025
a. Bachelor’s degree or other adequate foreign academic qualification
b. Possession of a nulla osta (enrollment clearance document) issued by the chosen School
-> If you hold an academic degree obtained in Italy
1. You must register on the online student services platform (Servizi online).
2. Access the online services platform and follow: menu->segreteria->nulla osta laurea magistrale. Upload carefully all the required attachments** and submit your enrollment request. (n.b. It is possible to apply for multiple master’s degrees)
** enrollment form with date and signature
self-declaration of exams taken, with date and signature (do not upload any certificate or other official document)
self-declaration of English language knowledge (level B2 of QCER)
[this declaration is not necessary only for the MSc in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies]
3. Wait for the chosen School to examine and decide on the application (usually within 30 days).
- if accepted (idoneo), you obtained a nulla osta and are allowed to proceed with the online enrollment
- if not accepted (non idoneo), you will have one or multiple educational debts (debiti formativi) and will be told which exams you must take before you can have your nulla osta. The exams can be taken with single subjects (corsi singoli).
-> If you hold an academic degree obtained outside of Italy (EU and non EU)
You will apply exclusively through DreamApply, according to the deadlines indicated on the website. Applicants who have not yet obtained their bachelor’s degree will not be considered.
Once your request has been evaluated, you will follow the instructions on the DreamApply website.
The enrollment request follows the deadlines of the students regulations for the academic year of interest (section 3).
[ PLEASE NOTE: be reminded that an enrollment request submitted less than 30 days before the deadline is not guaranteed to be examined].
- Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture (BIO-EMSA) (LM-7)
- Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development (LM-69)
- Wildlife Sciences and Managementi (LM-86)
- Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (LM-69)
- Food Sciences and Technologies (LM-70)
- Forest Systems Sciences and Technologies (LM-73)
If you wish to enroll in one of the Master's Degree Programs of the School of Agriculture and do not have an English Language proficiency certificate (level B2 reading comprehension) can take the foreign language proficiency test at a cost of €24.00 at the C.L.A.
Click here to learn more
a. Bachelor’s degree or other adequate foreign academic qualification
b. Submission of the admission application according with the procedures and timelines specified in the announcement.
- Sustainable Innovation in Viticolture and Enology (LM-70)
Last update