Tutoring service for students enrolled to all the course of the School

The tutoring service of the School of Agriculture is active for all students enrolled, in order to  support them during their study path.
The Tutors carry out their activities in favor of the students and can be contacted by email.

General informations

They provide general information for all study courses on the following topics: 
Enrollment, Study Plan, Internships (no stipulation of agreements), International Mobility (Erasmus), Dissertations.


[Wildlife Area]  Giulia GHINASSI  - giulia.ghinassi(AT)edu.unifi.i


[Food Area] Marco MICALIZZI - marco.micalizzi(AT) 


[Agricultural Area] Niccolò RIMBOTTI - niccolo.rimbotti(AT)


[Forestry Area] Ella MCGARRY - ella.mcgarry(AT)


Didactic tutors - Disciplines


Letizia FIORUCCI - letizia.fiorucci(AT)

Alberto DIANI - alberto.diani(AT)



Tommaso FANTECHI - tommaso.fantechi(AT)

Francesco BIGAZZI - francesco.bigazzi1(AT)

Tommaso UGOLINI - tommaso.ugolini(AT)



Cosimo FRATTICCIOLI - cosimo.fratticioli(AT)

Last update



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